My little boy turned four years old on Nov 10th. We had such a fun day together! In the morning before daddy went to work, Kyle couldn't wait to open some of his presents. He was thrilled to get some new CARS, of all things, and a backpack to put them in. He also got a few other odds and ends. It was fun just to watch him get so excited about a few little cars. He got his birthday present early this year- a bike, which we gave him in August so he'd have a chance to ride it a little before it got too cold. That's the challenge of having a November birthday. He also got a new helmet and knee pads (Lightning McQueen, of course.) It was really cute- when he opened the knee pads, he said, "Yes! Now I can go work with you, dad!" He had seen his dad out building with knee pads on and figured that was what they were for. He loves to be daddy's little helper and has been out back "helping" Aaron build the garage in our backyard.
I got to go with Kyle to his preschool and talk about the four years of his life and how much he's changed and learned during that time. It was fun to watch him interact at his school, and to help the teachers out. Heidi got to join in the fun, too.
Kyle had requested to go bowling on his birthday so later that night we went to "Wild Bill's" bowling alley where we enjoyed pizza and hamburgers. Kyle was so into the bowling he hardly had time to eat. The best part for him was that he got to have his own bowling pin with his name on it. He got to color on it and put stickers on it. We all wrote a birthday greeting, too. We all had a great time! Then, we went back to the house for some cake and ice cream. I had spent HOURS on the Lightning McQueen cake for his birthday. (Before, whenever we asked him what he wanted, all he would say was, "I want a Lightning McQueen cake." That was it) I think it turned out okay.
We love our Kyle. He is such a fun boy and adds so much life to our family. Thank you, Kyle, for letting us love and teach you. You bring us so much happiness!