The day finally arrived for our new little one to come-
Jared Lyle Parkinson was born on
Wednesday, May 19th at 2:18 pm. He came
3 1/2 weeks early, so it was a little unexpected, but we are glad that he is here and he is healthy. Although we weren't quite sure when it would happen, it wasn't a huge surprise that he came early. At my Dr apt on May 10th I was only 35 weeks and already dilated to 3 cm. I couldn't believe it!! The Dr said I needed to take it easy- no more exercise, heavy lifting, etc. It would be better for the baby if I could make it to at least 37 weeks. So, I was trying to buy some time and make it two more weeks if possible. I felt like a time bomb ready to blow up any minute. It can be hard to just "take it easy", though, especially with so many things to do to get ready for the baby to come. I did try, and put off many of the things I had hoped to get done. I could have used a few more weeks to prepare, but the baby had other plans.
The night before he was born, I had planned a Young Women's activity with all the girls in my ward where we drove clear down to Bountiful to a Wedding/Prom dress shop and had a lesson about modesty. They were able to try on some dresses and it was a really great experience. I don't really feel like it was too much stress. I do look at it as a tender mercy that I was able to follow through with it that night because I had really wanted to be there.
At 1:15 am that next morning, I went into labor. I woke Aaron up and we called a neighbor to come over until my mom could get here from Sandy. We arrived at the hospital (Logan Regional) at about 3:15 and I was a little disappointed to find I was only at 4 cm. I felt like I should've been at least at 6 with the way I had been contracting. After that the contractions started to slow down a little, too. Because I was only 36.5 weeks (so 2 days short of full term) they weren't going to try to stop labor but also couldn't do anything to help it progress. So, Aaron and I walked around in the halls and just waited around. Until I could prove that I was progressing into full labor, I just had to wait it out through contractions.
Finally at around 10:15, the Dr came in and I was 5 cm. He broke my water and then just after this I got my epidural. Again, we waited until I was complete. Then, I had to push through 4 contractions and he was born. He was
7 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. He came out crying with apgars of 8 and 9. He was doing a little bit of grunting right at first so after a few minutes they took him and put him on some CPAP for about and hour and then he was just fine. He has been so great- a great eater and sleeper and we have enjoyed him so much. Our experience at the hospital was great. It was nice to be pampered for a few days and have time to recover.
We came home Friday morning and have been making the transition to a family of SIX!!! The kids have been so excited about their new baby brother and that has been a lot of fun.
We are grateful to be so blessed by our father in Heaven, who has given us this beautiful blessing in our lives. We are so happy that he is healthy and there were no complications. What an amazing thing to have a family- to be able to find joy in being parents to a new little spirit sent straight from heaven! Although having a new baby includes plenty of work, sleepless nights, and many other adjustments, we are ready to take it on and look forward to many fun and rewarding times ahead.