Is this supposed to be fun, mom? |
We went up to the cabin for New Year's Eve this year. It was freezing cold up there, but we had a great time sledding and snowmobiling. Despite the freezing temperatures (-6), the ice was not completely frozen over on the lake because it hadn't been this cold long enough so we couldn't ice fish.
We had fun sledding down the big hill behind the cabin and then my dad would pick us up at the bottom with a snowmobile. It was lots of fun!
All bundled up for the snowmobile ride out |
I took this picture in the truck on the way home from the cabin. Little Jordan was exhausted! |
The kids have had a lot of fun playing out in the snow this year. This was out on our little "hill" in the backyard when our friend Andy and his girls came up for a visit. |
Jan 6th- our happy baby having tummy time! |
We had a few free tickets from Kyle's Jr. Jazz, so we took our whole family to the Jazz game in Salt Lake on Jan 19th. Since we were down that way, we stopped and visited my Oma and Opa. We had a nice few hours together.

By the time we got to the game, Jordan was so exhausted, he just fell asleep in my arms. There is nothing sweeter than having a baby sleep on you! It didn't last long, though. As tired as he was, and as hard as I tried to cover his ears, there were too many loud noises.
We had a great time watching the game until Heidi unexpectedly THREW UP all over the seat. After that, everything was a blur. Aaron and I were cleaning it all up and then we took everyone home. I think we get the record for having our kids throw up unexpectedly in the most random places. (Last year Jared threw up on Aaron in sacrament meeting. We just thought he was really tired that day. No one had been sick. I think it was one of my most embarrassing moments EVER.) We listened to the rest of the game in the van on the way home. We wanted to take a few more pictures, but hadn't planned on leaving in a rush. FUN TIMES! |