Sunday, June 8, 2014

Erika Tavaci

On April 29th, Erika had her spring Tavaci performance, an event we look forward to twice a year.

It was great to go watch her sing.  She loves it and gets so into it!

My parents came up to watch her and brought along my Oma and Opa Michel.  It was so nice to have them come and I know it was a sacrifice for them to drive all that way for just a few hours with us.  It is always great to see them and with their advancing years, I often wonder how much longer they'll be around.

During the show, Heidi enjoyed sitting with my Opa and Oma and I think her love alone brought them so much joy that day.  

1 comment:

  1. I only met Opa once, and I love him just from that one meeting. He is the sweetest, funnest little old man! I'm glad your kids know him.
