Thursday, May 19, 2011

Spring has sprung!

The kids showing off their Easter baskets.  They were hidden outside but it was so exciting,
we forgot to get pictures.  We got a really cute video, though. 

We had a great Easter this year- at home.  The day before (Saturday) we spent down in Salt Lake visiting family.   We went to my grandma Schulz's easter egg hunt and dinner.  It was nice to see all of my mom's family there as it has been awhile for us.  We also stopped in and visited with Oma and Opa Michel and had a nice visit with them.  We did a little shopping while in Salt Lake, too (which is what you have to do when you live in a small town).   Easter Sunday was a nice day spent with our family.  We watched a nice Easter movie after church and just spent time together. 

Jared got a swimming floatie from the Easter Bunny!

On Monday, May 2nd Erika had reached the last chapter of the Book of Mormon.  She has read most of it on her own and then we talk about it with her after.  We had a special family home evening where we read the last chapter with her and she finished- yeah!!!   Then we celebrated with a dessert and shared our testimonies of the Book of Mormon.   It is definitely a life-changing book!   We are proud of Erika for accomplishing this goal and hope she will continue in her love for it. 

One Sunday a few weeks ago we came down to Erika's room to find she had made her own "temple wall" with several temples on it.  This was just after General Conference when she had heard Pres. Monson say each child should have a picture of the temple in their room.  I guess she took this pretty literally. 


  1. That's so awesome! Way to go, Erika! And I love her temple wall. That girl has got some wonderful drive. What an example she is to her siblings.

    I love seeing pictures of your family. The kids are so, so cute and I love how happy they always seem. Especially that little Jared!! That boy always seems so enthusiastically happy. :)

  2. Congratulations Erika!! What a great accomplishment. You are such an example to all of us and we are so proud of you. I can't wait to see your temple wall!!!!
    I know Heavenly Father is very proud of you.
    I love you so much.
    xo Gramma
