Sunday, September 4, 2011

In Memory of Grandpa Parkinson

We made a trip up to Rexburg the weekend of August 12th to pay our respects to an amazing man.  Aaron's grandpa Merle Parkinson passed away on the day of Erika's baptism.  It was a sad but happy day in a way for many of us.   Grandpa had cancer and was not doing well for the last few days of his life.   Now he is in a better place, where he is free from sickness or pain.  He passed to the other side having seen  the blessing of generations of his posterity who love him and seek to honor his name.


Grandpa was a hard-working man who ran a large potato farm.  He was good at what he did.  He was a man of service.  He served as a young bishop and Stake President.  He was a good father and grandfather.  He was one who always loved a good joke.   

We had originally planned to go camping that weekend so we just changed our direction and headed up North.   We spent one night at Lava Hot Springs.   The kids were anxious to try out our new camping trailer.  We had a lot of fun in it.  We went swimming at the pool there and had a great time.  Erika and Kyle couldn't get enough of the waterslides and they were both brave enough to jump off the diving boards.  Yea!   (I was having so much fun I didn't get any pictures- darn-  or maybe I was just too busy juggling two little kids in the kiddy pool :)

Trying out the bunks in our new camping trailer. (their favorite part)
 Anyway,  the funeral was very nice.  There was such a tender feeling there and the speakers did so well!  We parked our trailer next to grandma's house on the lawn and camped there for two nights, which worked out great.  It was really nice for Aaron to see so many of his cousins, uncles and aunts.  There were some family members there that I have never met before and that was neat for me, too.   Nothing like a funeral to bring a family back together again!

A good number of the Merle and Evelyn Parkinson family.  
  One really special thing for me was that I had the opportunity of singing at Grandpa's funeral.  He had asked if I would do it before he died and he specifically asked for the song, "Somewhere My Love" from "Dr Zhivago".  I had never even heard of the song before, but apparently it was a big classic back in their time- ask any person from our parents' generation and they will know it. Anyway, I learned the song in 3 days and sang it at the funeral.   As I sang, I felt very close to grandpa, and it was as if he were there to relay the message to his sweetheart.  I am so grateful for such a neat opportunity.

The kids took turns pulling the old red wagon
around at great Grandma and Grandpa's house. 
I am grateful that our children had a few years when they were able to get to know Aaron's grandpa.  They got to know and love him in the time he was with them.  I am thankful for the influence he had in our lives and for the legacy he has left behind.   We look forward to the time when we will see him again.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Aaron's Grandpa. Funerals are bittersweet.

    Your new tent trailer looks so fun!
